Creativity, Critical and Problem Solving Skills

Competency and Behavioral Based Interviewing Skills


• Discover an understanding of the increasingly important role of interviews within an organization.
• To ensure that participants are aware of the mechanics of doing a job analysis
• Understand the skills necessary to conduct interviews effectively using tested approaches.
• Ensuring participants are aware of the strengths and priorities of interview processes.
• Discover using competency procedures to be undertaken before and after an interview.
• Inculcate the techniques of using situational and behavioral questions?
• To ensure that participants are aware of assessment tools to be used during the interview.
• The follow up process and effective reference checks


• Introduction to Interviewing.

a. The critical role of correct selection in organizations
b. What are the objectives of interviews in the selection process?
c. What are the benefits and problems of interviews?
d. The other selection methods to enhance the interviewing process.

• Job Analysis

a. Why is a job analysis important?
b. The relationship between job analysis and interviews.
c. The critical issue of deciding the right competencies and behaviors required for the job

• Preparation prior to the Interview

a. Vetting of Resumes.
b. Factors to be taken into account when short-listing candidates.
c. Interview preparation e.g. preparation of questionnaire.
d. Decide on the relevancy of tests to be done prior to the interview e.g. leadership tests, profiling tests and computer literacy tests.

• The Actual Interview

a. Setting the correct environment for the interview.
b. Some questioning techniques, e.g. leading questions, open ended questions etc.
c. Observation of body language of candidate.
d. Listening techniques.
e. Dos and don’ts during the interview.
f. Objective selection of the right candidate.

• Competency/Behavioral & Situational Questions

a. What are Situational/Competency/Behavioral questions?
b. How do you develop Situational/Behavioral questions?
c. Red and Green Flags to note during questioning.
d. How to ask probing questions?

• Post Interview Process & Role Plays

a. Guidelines for deciding on the right candidate & panel interviews
b. Administrative procedures once the selection is done.
c. The letter of offer of employment.
d. The effective use of the probationary period.
e. Role Plays


The methodology used will be a combination of lectures, personal reflection exercises, case studies and group work. The combination will be as follows:

• Lectures (20%)

• Group Work (30%)

• Case studies (10%)

• Training Films (10%)

• Role Plays ( 30% )

Role plays will be a very important methodology used as the requirement is for participants to actually take part in at least one role play which will be a very significant part of experiential learning.

2 days